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ECDC’s program strategy Reaches Into Communities Holistically. Our inclusive neighborhood redevelopment strategy includes educational training for all residents to have access to the education needed to succeed in life.

Get R.I.C.H Today

ECDC is first and foremost dedicated to revitalizing and strengthening our community’s infrastructure through the development of affordable housing. Our strategy is SIMPLE:

Sharing Ideas Making People Learn Everyday through our R.I.C.H programs.

Building On Success

The mission of the East Columbus Development Company, Inc. is to revitalize the conditions of the neighborhood by providing quality housing, safe and healthy communities, and economic development through involvement of collaborations and partnerships to create a holistic approach.

East Columbus Development Company, Inc. (ECDC) is a not-for-profit certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) which has been a mainstream in the community and incorporated in 2003 for the purpose of revitalization of the Near East Side and King Lincoln District. ECDC has been empowering people and building communities one block at a time. As we continue to press forward and make change for the greater good of all residents on the Near East and Far East side of Greater Columbus, we recognize the need to create innovative partnerships so we can strive to impact change for a better tomorrow, today.


For those who would like to volunteer with East Columbus Development Company; please send resumes to

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